First Case Report in Korea
First discovery of HERM
Case reported of bowleg and posture correctionas a result of strengthening the HERM
The 26th annual meeting ofthe Korean Academy of Rehabilitation Medicine
First Case Reportin International Medical Society
2 Cases with 2yrs and 18 mons Follow-up change in bowleg and body shaping
Internatilonal Society of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine(Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Ondol syndrome
Medical theory on posture including strengthening ofthe HERM and its clinical effects
Seo, M.D.(2011)Calf Surgery and Leg Contouring(pp. 280-296), Kunja Publishing
Bowleg correction and Body Reshapingthrough HERM strengthening
International meeting ofThe Korean Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery(29th)The Korean Association of Plastic Surgeons(9th)
Natural birth rate increased from 61.3% to 78.9%
after only 14 sessions of HERm strength training
(638 subjects)
Korean Society of Obsterics and Gynecology
Aesthetic effects of the Strengtheningthe HERM
Bodyshaping and Body contouring aspect
Korean Academy of Obesity and Aesthetic treatment
OK Plank exercise
Self exercise for Postural correction
Ondol syndrome + Kegel exercise + Plank exercise
The Korean Medical Academy of Auxology
New Proposalfor Posture corrective treatment
Introduction of Gen2Walkas a New treatment device